Welcome to Project Identify 1967. We’re going to try and identify as many 1967 campers/counselors as we collectively can. I tried putting the numbers on the chests of the campers and counselors as best as I could but it many cases that was impossible. Also, there are four number 54s (OK, so I messed up a little, remember this ain’t my full-time job folks). So what I did was create 54(1), 54(2), 54(3) and 54(4) below. In then photo just assume left to right, respectively.

Click on the thumbnail picture to view the larger 1967 camp photo


Name # Name # Name
1 Ellen Kravitz 51 Randy Bluth 101 Lori Ratner
2 52 Eve Garfield 102 Brandi Riederman
3 Mitch Bilder 53 Joanie Lund 103 Gail Siegel
4 David Holtzman 54(1) Karen Lansman 104 Hilary Kushner
5 Doug Holtzman 54(2) 105 Larry Winaker
6 Judy Richter 54(3) Shari Riederman 106 Elaine Wertheimer
7 Susan Saltzman 54(4) Jeff Gelb 107 Mitch (8C) Kasten
8 Alan Rosenblum 55 Gail Schlessinger 108 Tony Yacalino
9 Mitchell Gold 56 Gene Gold 109 Alan Levinowitz
10 Paul Schlessinger 57 Jody Kessler 110 Mitchell Saltzman
11 Cliff Lansman 58 Andy Elias 111 Arnie (Stang) Lederkramer
12 Jeff Saltzman 59 Steve (Tumbleweed) Bandell 112 Howie Bandell
13 Steven Youngerman 60 Roy Karch 113 Lisa Ratner
14 Jay Horowitz 61 Danny Saltzman? 114 Matt Cohen
15 Dean Horowitz 62 115 Barbara?
16 Harris Gold 63 Steve (Mouth) Lazarus 116 Randi Karch
17 Kenny Fries 64 117 Debbie Siegel
18 Risa Lund 65 Michael Saul 118 Paula Kasten?
19 Marcia Youngerman 66 Mike Berman 119 Marc (Nature Girl) Levin
20 Larry Marks 67 Eddie ? 120 Michael Blooth
21 Billy Kronenberg 68 121 Maris Hochman
22 69 One of the Wein twins 122 Marc Richter
23 70 Harvey Lisman 123 Lori Cami
24 Donna Kessler 71 Kenny Wiesen 124 Karen Davidson
25 Steve Brodsky 72 Angel Yacalino 125 Selene Kushner
26 Susan Kessler 73 Bill Bear 126 Beth Richter
27 Richard Saul 74 127 Paul Steiner
28 John Rosa 75 Jon Bilder 128 Jeff Becker
29 76 Richard Ashe 129
30 Paul Saltzman 77 130 Jerry Saul
31 Marty Hirsch 78 Jed Cohen 131
32 Risa Garfield 79 Other Wein twin 132 Jed Moskowitz
33 Steve Kuster 80 Harvey Jacobs 133
34 81 Aebra Hochman 134 Elyse Leiman
35 Ronnie Bear 82 135 Henry ?
36 Robin Richter 83 Charolette Moskowitz 136 Michelle Becker
37 Rena Gold 84 Lois Richter 137 Meryl Sue Cohen
38 Karen Unger 85 Barbara Cohen 138 Lisa Lazar
39 Jackie Schlessinger 86 Mark Lederkramer 139 Sandy Drucker
40 Robin Rosenblum 87 Jody Wiesen 140 Stu Levinowitz
41 88 Laurie Rosenblum 141 Mike Plawner
42 Liz Kuster 89 Evelyn Levy 142 Ken Kavale
43 Stacey Elias 90 Bobby Unger 143 Jeff (Haystacks) Riederman
44 Jody Ashe 91 Nadine Ripp 144 Ken Wein
45 Eileen Bear 92 Henry Levin 145 Denise Kavale
46 Robbie Lederkramer 93 David Bluth 146 Allen Levy
47 94 Diane Leiman 147 Louis Sandler
48 Jay Berman 95 Ivy Kushner 148 Iona Lazarus
49 Lawrence Becker 96 149
50 Lynne Berman 97 Mike Steiner 150 Mikey Leiman
   98 Steven Fries 151 Sandra Siegel?
   99 Jill Schecter 152 Rhonda Plawner
100 Marilyn Richter 153 Carol ?

Last updated 10-19-2012

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